Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Planning (definitively) my CCR

After some discussion with my instructor again, I've decided on the format of my two CCR productions: an interview for questions 1 and 2, and a slideshow with voice-over commentary for questions 3 and 4. 

On my initial post about my CCR (here), I expressed my interest in doing a podcast format for questions 3 and 4. However, I felt that visuals would aid the engagement level of answering questions 3 and 4, since I could include stills from behind the scenes of production, screen captures of my previous projects, and screen captures of resources like Google Drive, which I used extensively, as well as other screen captures of technological resources. So, a voice-over slideshow presentation seems like a good fit. It's also going to be relatively quick and easy for me to gather screen captures and put them into a presentation, since we're nearly at the finish line of completion and time is of the essence.

However, my first CCR (for questions 1 and 2) will take a little longer to set up. Most of the planning process of the interview's production took place in my head, but here is what I've decided: I'll script it today, and then we can record the conversation. (I am happy I won't have to produce a full advertising package for my film opening.) I borrowed a tripod from my instructor to facilitate the actual production.

Now that I'm right down into the middle of the editing process for Unpacking, I'm also a little concerned about how long this CCR is going to take to edit. So, I'm going to use a notepad at the beginning of every take to label it, and I'm also going to make sure my partner and I record with sufficient pause between each conversational unit so that I can edit it. Hopefully, his experience with public speaking and my familiarity with my own speech patterns will make scripting, rehearsing, and performing faster.

We're almost there. I'll see you again after scripting- and then for production and editing.

Tired, but still yours always,

Clover Fields

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Creative Critical Reflection

 Here is a link to my first CCR. Here is a link to my s...